Standing In Alignment


A two-month hybrid training with 10 online sessions, training material, and a 4-day retreat.

-Guest Teacher: Kjell Gustafsson, Non-Duality Teacher

October 31- November 3, Sweden - Tögel Art Centre

With Kjell's expertise in non-duality and ego dissolution combined with Li’s profound knowledge of embodiment and trauma healing, this collaboration promises to create a uniquely transformative experience.

Discover the transformative synergy of non-duality, embodiment, and pleasure, embracing these as paths to deeper self-understanding and connection with the world.

This retreat integrates spiritual and emotional work, guiding you to stand and dance in alignment with your true self, move beyond gender, and balance your inner and outer worlds.

**This training and retreat is a part of Li’s Grow Up Advanced Training.

*You need to have an interview before you can join this training.



    Learn to stand on the midline, connected to both the great mystery and the physical world, aligning your spiritual and emotional selves.


    Engage in dance, somatic healing, non-duality teachings, and meditation to deepen your connection to your body and spirit.


    Move beyond traditional norms and explore the space where you can be everything and nothing simultaneously. Embrace the fluidity of gender and identity, dissolving binary constraints.


    Learn how pleasure can be a path to embodiment and enlightenment and how to generate it and offer it to others.

Why do we integrate spiritual practice with somatic trauma work and embodiment?

To wake up is one thing, to grow up is another. Through meditation and spiritual practices, we can get the experience of oneness, enlightenment, and dissolvent of the ego. However, to integrate that experience into life, we need to go through the body.

As we learn how the nervous system regulates and senses our responses through the body, we can learn to increase our capacity to sustain being in the body, not only when in pain but also to experience more pleasure. 


Standing in alignment means living in harmony with your true self, balancing your inner desires and outer actions. It involves understanding your core values and ensuring that your life reflects these principles.

This concept is deeply connected to non-duality, which dissolves the illusion of separation between self and other, revealing the interconnectedness of all things. In this state, you align with the axis mundi, the world’s central axis that connects the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. This alignment creates a balanced flow of energy, fostering a profound sense of unity and presence.

In most spiritual traditions, the belief is that beyond the physical body, we transcend gender. Traditions such as Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, Stoicism, and Mahayana Buddhism teach that our true essence is beyond form and gender. Here on earth, we might be born into a certain gender, but on an energetic level, we are fluid also on this plane. As we unite these experiences, we invite you into the realm where non-duality meets the non-binary.


This is for you if:

  • You have engaged in substantial inner work.

  • You are prepared for a deep somatic journey to better understand your body.

  • You seek to enhance your capacity for pleasure and address emotional or psychological barriers to fulfillment.

  • You desire a safe, supportive environment to explore these aspects and connect more deeply with yourself and others.

  • You are committed to becoming more secure, authentic, and a better leader, partner, or parent.

    Join us in this hybrid training and retreat, where you will receive practical tools and transformative practices to support your growth and healing journey. Embrace a more empowered and joyful version of yourself in a community of like-minded individuals.


Welcome to the experience of “finally growing up” as an emotional and spiritual being.

What will you learn?

  • To listen to your body, love it, and embody it as your temple

  • Stepping into the field of fluidity where nothing and no one is fixed

  • Experiences of letting go of your identity and being the witness

  • Practice tools that support you stay connected to your authentic self and truth

  • Hands-on tools to increase your capacity to hold emotions and own the experience

  • A capacity to hold space for others to step into their full potential

"Body, mind and spirit they say. Now I get it. NOW I CAN UNDERSTAND MY BODY. Now the mind and spirit tag along.

Simple, but not painless.”



  • Kjell Gustafsson

    Kjell Gustafsson is a charismatic and deeply insightful teacher with a profound understanding of human behavior, leadership, and conflict resolution.

    He emphasizes that suffering stems from not knowing who you are, and that conflicts arise from misunderstandings. Kjell's teachings focus on the limitations of the thinking mind and the importance of deepening self-awareness.

    Find more about Kjell HERE

  • Max Mo Katz

    Max is a mover. A movement of dance, theater, yoga, and martial arts, all held in the bosom of the breath. And a dash of unbridled playfulness!

    He is here to hold space, and to let go. To challenge and to inspire. To be authentic.

    For the last 4 years he's been embracing the work of growing up, dvelving into the challenges and growth that comes with a life in intimacy. Learning from and supporting different teachers in Sweden - this time as coordinator.

    His current focus is the bridging of indigenous cultures with the "western" world, sharing and listening, with Plants and Animals as the foremost Teachers.

All Practical Info

  • This program covers the period of two months starting from the date you sign up. The online part includes weekly Zoom meetings on Thursdays. With addition to two calls before and after the retreat.

    The in-persone part includes the 4-day retreat.

    Preparation session before the retreat on Zoom on October 22, 19:00-21:00

    In-Person Retreat - October 31 starting at 18:00 to November 3rd, ending at 15:00.

    Integration session after the retreat on Zoom November 12, 19:00-21:00.

    Download and Subscribe to the calendar and add all times automatically HERE.

  • The online part is on Zoom, you will receive the link when you sign up.

    The in-person retreat is at Tögel Art Center - Hallstavik, Sweden - This is a beautiful retreat center by a small river in Hallstavik 1,5h north of Stockholm. Closer to the retreat you will be able to book to sleep in dorms, double rooms or single rooms.

    • 4 days of guided workshops

    • Accommodation

    • Food

    • Communication & emo support

  • Transport - The retreat center is 100km from Stockholm.

    You will receive support in rides sharing closer to the retreat date.

  • There are a set of videos for you to watch and deepen your knowledge. They are specially made to create the foundation needed to start this journey at any point and at your pace.
    There is a collection of PDFs with tools and exercises for you to explore. This material supports the weekly live sessions and your growth on this journey..

  • In my retreats, I don’t usually follow a clear-cut timeline, I enjoy feeling the group and listening to our needs.

    More TBA.

    Subscribe to the calendar and add times automatically HERE.

  • All participants must have a compatibility call with Li, if you are new to this work book a call HERE.
    If you are already in contact with Li then you may apply HERE.

  • This retreat is a part of the Grow Up Advanced training. To join the full training Click Here.

    There are limited spots available for people joining only this module

    The investment is: 14900 Sek and it includes:

    • 4-Days retreat including accommodation and food

    • 2 Months membership of the Online Dance Into Your Lust Program with weekly Zoom meetings - An extension is possible.

    • An online platform with pre-recorded course material on the topics that this module covers.

    • 1 Preparation online meeting before the retreat

    • 1 Integration online meeting after the retreat

      * Can you not afford the training?
      Contact Li to learn about discounts and reduced prices.

      Do you find this expensive? Let me explain to you why!

      In short, with 10 years of experience, the quality and the demand of my work have increased. With me, you are buying life-changing results.

      My expenses are high for bringing world-class teachers and for bringing 6 assistants to support us all in diving deep into our emotions and holding the processes in a safe container.

      Since this is deep processing, we sometimes need support and direction to achieve the desired change. Numerous hours are put into bringing this training together behind the scenes, in addition to the many live sessions included.

  • Chat with me on Facebook or get support through EMAIL