Grow Up - Inner Leadership Training

- It Starts with YOU

by Li Tadaa with Guest Teachers:

Linda Zurak, Marcos Bina, Kjell Gustafsson, and Celso Paco!

  • Build your capacity to embody safety, maturity, and pleasure

  • Somatics, Attachment, African Spirituality & Conscious Sexuality

An 8-month hybrid training online and with 4 in-person retreats in Sweden.

Open Enrollment

After years of preparation, the inner leadership training is finally here:

AN 8-month in-depth body listening training.


Somatics is about increasing our resilience and being able to be with it all. It is about finding pleasure in taking responsibility for our inner world and finally growing up.

This training will support you in building your own ground to stand on to hold traumas and triggers as well as experience joy, orgasmic pleasure and conscious sexual relationships. 

This is for you if:

  • You have done plenty of inner work

  • You are ready to do the deeper somatic journey

  • Want to align body, mind and spirit

  • Willing to put in the work to become more secure and authentic and a better leader, partner, or parent.

At the end of the training, you will receive a Certificate Of Completion.



Learn how to be dedicated to self-regulate, self-soothe, self-care, and self-love
As a true way of being there for others

Learn how to separate unmet childhood needs from romance by learning about attachment, reparenting and holding space for you and the other

Learn how to navigate your relationships through healthy boundaries and self-knowledge, and improve your skills in AUTHENTIC expression

Learn its ways through stillness, movement, and rhythm to
increase your capacity to feel and navigate your emotions and triggers


Learn how to be present and more aware of inner processes
Connect to a safe community that will enable you to thrive and heal

Embody tools from conscious kink. Explore mature sexuality, masculine and feminine energy (polarity), tantra and spiritual sexual connections



Dates & Themes:

The training is an 8-month journey including 4 residential modules with additional weekly online integration groups. In 2025, we start in October.

Module One: TBA - Stockholm

BELONGING - African Spirituality, Animism & Grounding

Module Two: TBA

GROW UP - Western Attachment & Somatic Trauma Therapy

Module Three: TBA

PLEASURE & FLUIDITY - Eastern Tantra, Southern African Rituals, Queer Philosophy

Module Four: TBA

AXIS MUNDI - Non-Duality & Spiritual Wisdom from the World


The Modules In Depth

Belonging Is Our Nature

Belonging is our nature, everything else is a misunderstanding and solemnly a somatic disconnection from our true selves. Through rhythm, movement, grounding, and expression we can access all that we are.
This module with guest teachers from Mozambique, Kenya, and Tanzania will show you that life is Rhythm, that life is constantly changing, and that even death is a celebration.

Guest teachers: Celso Paco, Faith Malkia, Henry Kaboe

Module 1 will give you:

  • Tools for Grounding and Nervous System Regulation
  • How movement can be used for healing and expression
  • Understanding of somatics and the nervous system according to the Poly-vagal Theory
  • Joy as a resource to hold pain
  • The experience that you belong

When and Where?

Björnbacka Retreat Center

  • Preparation meeting: TBA
  • 3-Days In-Person Retreat - TBA
  • Integration meeting: TBA

If you cannot participate in Module 1 in person, you can do it online April 25 18.30-21h and May 1st 15-19.

What is included in the pre-recorded online training?

There are 18 videos for you to watch and deepen your knowledge. There are 14 PDFs with tools and exercises for you to explore.

Build your own ground where you can hold traumas and triggers as well as experience joy and pleasure. Come to stand in your authentic self.


  • IT IS REAL. This means that we are not afraid of facing anything. Ecstatic highs don’t exist without digging in the mud and neither exist if we do not build the capacity in the body to feel and hold everything that comes up, pain as well as pleasure.

    IT BRINGS THE WORLD TOGETHER. This training takes in teachings from African Spirituality, Ancestral Work, Animism, Shamanism, Budhism and Western Trauma Therapy with its understanding of the nervous system. Instead of following one strict teaching participants are invited to bring in all their previous teaching and unite it with the training.

    LI WALKS THE TALK. With their 18 years of experience working with movement and the body, 9 with conscious sexuality, and 5 years with deep trauma healing, they teach from their own embodied experience - No bullshit.

    IT IS EMBRACING A NON-BINARY WORLDVIEW. Where all humans carry masculine and feminine energy and sexuality is fluid. In this space, our differences are our special gifts to the world and by STEPPING OUT OF NORMS we get to explore more of our true potential.

    IT’S DEEP. No matter if you are a psychologist, facilitator, or retreat junkie, Li will see thorugh you and the practices will support you exactly where you are in your journey.

    IT IS IN PERSON AND ONLINE. Which gives you both the delight of being together while also bringing the integration into your daily lives.

  • IN MODULE 1:

    • To listen to your body, love it, and embody it as your temple

    • To use movement and dance as a tool for transformation, joy and belonging.

    • Nervous system regulation

    • To fully know what it’s like to stand in your center, alignment, and truth

    • How to somatically increase your capacity to feel and navigate your emotions and triggers

    IN MODULE 2:

    • Understanding trauma

    • To step out of contraction and live from safety and trust

    • To be secure in yourself and be able to hold that same space for others

    • To know what it is like to stand in your adult mature self separated from your childhood attachment and needs

    IN MODULE 3:

    • What a mature sexuality means and how to use that energy in a creative way as your life force

    • To embody fluidity in sexuality, masculine and feminine energy, and in life in general

    • How to embody tools from tantra and conscious kink from a mature place

    IN MOD 4:



    To do the inner transformation necessary to be part of creating the world we believe in and to become SAFE ANCHORS in the modern times.

  • This is not a beginners training. It is for you who have done inner work for some time and are ready to go deep.

    This is for you who are committed to the journey of healing and to live from the best version of yourself.

    This is also ideal for arising or current therapists or facilitators in embodiment practices such as yoga, tantra or other therapeutic work.

    This training will help you grow and do the work necessary to fully be able to hold space for others.

    If you are not sure if you are ready for this, book an interview with the team.

  • The training consists of online part, in-person part and pre-recorded material. The structure allows flexibility and consistancy.

    You can SUBSCRIBE TO THE CALENDAR and follow the training schedule.

    The Online Part:

    The weekly online meetings take place on Tuesdays. We alternate weekly between evening sessions and Q&A coaching Lunch sessions. Except for the weekly meeting, there will be preparation calls and integration calls before and after each retreat.

    The In-Person Part:

    Containing 4 In-Person Retreats:

    Module 1 Retreat: 2025 dates TBA - We start in October!

    Module 2 Retreat: TBA

    Module 3 Retreat: TBA

    Module 4 Retreat: TBA

  • The Online Part:

    On Zoom, You will receive the link in your confirmation email.


    The In-Person Part: Björnbacka Retreat Center

  • To join you need to fill in an application form to see if you are ready for this training. If you are are not sure if this is right for you welcome to book a free Compatibility Call with our team.

    There is also a payment plan for individuals available in 8 parts.

    The price includes:

    • 4 in-person retreats

    • 8 months in the Membership Program

    • Preparation & Integration calls for each retreat

    • E-learning material belonging to each module.

    • Personal support and individual sessions when needed.

    • A certificate of Completion

    • A transformation lasting a life time

      There will be a few spots available to apply for individual modules only in case you do not want to join the training. Contact to find out more.



Guest Teachers

Since 2015 Li Tadaa, Faith and Celso Paco have been guiding people to learn from African healing traditions how we all belong while nurturing the individual expression of each one.
Celso is a talented musician, a multi-instrumentalist, a composer, an experienced workshop leader in music and dance, and a stage performer from Mozambique. He is passionate about drums, culture, folksongs, and storytelling.
Faith is a traditional dancer and a performing artist from Kenya. She started when she learned the chakacha dance technique and the flexibility of muscles and hips. Her journey is a tapestry of cultural exploration and artistic expression. Her work is a fusion of discipline and creativity, where students not only learn the steps but also delve into the stories woven into the fabric of traditional dances.
Find More About Faith & Celso P

Linda has spent over 25 years exploring the mental, physical and emotional blocks that keep us from fully living our power, passion and pleasure.
Through her own experiences of loss, relationship struggles, birth and religious trauma Linda has become an advocate for people finding their voice, becoming visible and living their heart-felt truth without apology.
She has a private practice in London where she works with individuals, couples and groups in the areas of intimacy, sexuality, dating and authentic relating. Linda teaches internationally, where her unique combination of Somatic Therapy, Movement Education and embodiment practices lead people to connect to the innate wisdom of their body. Her passion is helping people find deeper intimacy and connection with themselves so they can feel confident, vibrant and free in life and love. Find More About Linda

Meet Kjell Gustafsson, the visionary behind Beyond Me and You. With a rich background in coaching, and leadership, and a decade-long stint at IBM, Kjell blends practical expertise with deep insights. His recent venture, started in 2021, focuses on enhancing human understanding for thriving individuals and organizations. Attendees of his programs share profound transformations, describing Kjell's presence as an infinite, non-judgmental force. From entrepreneurship to conflict resolution, his diverse skill set creates a unique, enriching experience. Discover a new perspective on life through Kjell's dynamic approach—contact him for a firsthand encounter with transformative possibilities.

Find More About Kjell

The main tool Marcos Bina uses at individual sessions, workshops, and retreats is LOVE. Through loving and compassionate guidance he will lead you to connect back to your body and to feel your emotions again. His personal mantra is “Love is a way, not a destination”. As a fluid man, sexuality was always a focus in Marcos’s personal and professional studies. One of his purposes in life is to help men to reconnect with their emotions so, since 2021, Marcos has been leading the course and retreat for men called Travessia. More than 250 men who want to live healthy masculinity have already attended to it. Marcos Bina is a graduated therapist at Tantra, ThetaHealing, Feldenkrais, and Quantum Being besides being an Engineer and Administrator.

Find More About Marcos

FAQ & Support

  • Full refund 14 days after the registration. If you join the training and want to cancel one specific retreat you can do so 14 days before and you get the accommodation and food costs back for that particular retreat.

    If cancellation happens from my side or force maior, you will get full refund for what ever part was cancelled minus retreat reservation fees.

  • If you have questions, please contact us on
    You can always chat with us on FB

  • By clicking HERE

  • After filling the form, you will hear from me or from my team on how to proceed further. If you are accepted, you will receive payment info and will get assisted as you get familiar with the structure.

  • You do not have to join all the online meetings, they are on a weekly basis to create a string community but also so that you can miss some of them and still feel that you belong.

    To receive the certificate you need to attend all four retreats and go through the online training at participate in at least half of the online meetings.

  • The Certificate of completion will enable to show that you have done an emotional training.

    In many companies and fields of work, it is needed to show that one has the emotional understanding to handle conflict and stress. This training is a gateway for it!

    The certificate will not enable you to become a certified workshop leader.

  • The seats are offered first to the participants of the training.

    However, we we are opening up some spots to apply for only specific modules. That will include two a months online training and a retreat.

    It’s not possible to sign up only to the retreats and skip the full training.

    .Book a call if you want to discuss how we could make this training fit your needs.

  • There are discounts available at different times and limited low income deals that can be explored with Li.

    Book a call for us to find something that can work for you.