How Can Partnered Dance Be The Ultimate Tantric Experience?

Tantra to me is opening up to all the sensations of the present moment.

To what I feel, smell, hear, taste and see and let these impressions take over me. It is when nothing else exists in the world but what I am experiencing right here and right now. 

Not aware of it at the time, I had my first tantric experience while partner dancing. When you move together in perfection with another human being, there is no beginning and no end, no peak you are searching for and no thoughts of what this is leading to. 

It feels like it is no longer me dancing, we are being danced by the music. We have become one and feel openness and connection in a perfect flow.

I have experienced this while dancing Blues, Forró, Bachata and Kizomba. However, to bring this experience into the bedroom was a journey that took time but was worthwhile! 

Three hints I can give you today are:

  • Have an ”orgasm free” period with your partner

    What will you do now when there no longer is a goal in your sexual practice?

  • Just like one lead and one follows, let one give and one recieve. 

    Ask for what you want, notice any shame you might have when receiving fully, move through it and enjoy!

  • Enjoy skin!

    Be curious and go into a deep exploration of your partner’s skin, from top to toe!

Li Tadaa

I am Li Tadaa, a dancer, Somatic practitioner, and, as I like to call myself: a Lust Coach. My work invites you to explore and express your emotions and your sexuality through deep reflection, movement and human connection.

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