The first step to pleasure and lust is to realize that the ability to feel all emotions lies within ourselves and the more we learn to hold our sensations, the more pleasure we can invite.

Dancer, Holistic Therapist, and Certified Somatic Practitioner. Li Tadaa is bringing the gift of pleasure. She has created a framework consisting of 4 components called Dance into Your Lust.  Li Tadaa holds a master’s in political science and economics. She has studied in Sweden, Brazil, and Moçambique. She has for the last 12 years lived and worked with Hodi Dance Company in Mozambique.  Her knowledge of dance traditions around the globe is combined with the understanding of the nervous system, dance therapy, somatic education, and meditation. Li has the unique capacity to guide people into the body, accessing all emotions on the spectrum from joy and pleasure to fear and pain. Through her programs, Li has helped over a thousand people to reconnect with their inner safety and happiness.

“As a dancer, I easily find ecstasy and flow when moving to music, and over many years of embodied practice, I learnt how to translate this capacity of being in contact with my body into other parts of my life.”

I move through the physical world, through my emotions, through my gender, and through the understanding of the universe. As a bridge person, I’m fluid by nature and I help people to understand each other independently where they are from. Life has taught me that by trusting my capacity to feel harmony and pleasure, I can also be with the darkest shadows of life.

My main body of work focus on sexuality, but what lies in the way for people’s pleasure is often related to everything else but sex. Therefore, this work is a spiritual, holistic journey including everything in life but where sexuality lies in the center as our life force and source of creativity and joy.

When I work I use a combination of different existing methods combined with what I have developed myself over the years. However, nothing taught me more than living alongside the Hodi Maputo Afro Swing Dance Company in Mozambique and dancing with them over the last 10 years. They supported me to open up to my ability to stay present with myself and my emotions while being in community.

In my bio, you can find Somatic Experiencing, East & Southern African dances & rituals, Tantra, Conscious Kink, the Wheel of Consent™, Motivational Interviewing (MI), Circling, RFSU Sex Education, Dance & Movement Therapy and Trauma healing (NARM & SE). My own creations are many, but the main ones fall under Life is Rhythm, Dance Into Your Lust and Move Into Kink.

Find your pleasure and improve your relationships

At Klustret Ekskäret, Every Body & Mind Dec 3 2021

We study all sorts of things in life to learn new skills, but still, pleasure and intimacy most people are left to figure out themselves. In this talk Li shares about their experience in healing through movement and conscious sexuality and how they have been able to unlock old unhealthy behaviors and relationships patterns. With honesty around our needs, it’s possible to enjoy intimacy in the present moment with love and connection. Li will share how they work with clients and show that even a healthy sex life is a skill that anyone can learn.

Recorded Lectures

I give talks and lectures in person and online on a wide variety of topics from relationships, trauma healing and BDSM to my experience and teachings from Mozambique.

Belonging Is Our Nature


Belonging can be one of the greatest experiences as a human. Maybe it’s exactly because of that fact, that feeling excluded can be so extremely painful. However, it is our true nature to belong. Situations can give us the experience of not belonging which may leave traces in the body: a freeze response connected with a thought that “I do not belong”– which is not true; we always belong.

A 45-minute workshop where we discuss how to connect to the feeling of belonging and how it is a “choice” we make as adults.

Unconditional Love and Attachment


Many people connect sexuality actually from a place of unmet childhood needs. We are adults, but we often behave like children, especially in relationships. We feel needy, alone, stuck, overwhelmed, or rejected and tend to deal with it in ways that were appropriate when we were small but do not really make us the person we want to be. As we “grow up” from these patterns instead we can experience that we have more space, can see the bigger picture, and react from a place that we feel proud of

Choosing to Be In Love

In This lecture, Li beautifully describes the benefits of falling in love with everyone and everything that we do.


Most of my workshops bring elements of movement and dance. Life is Rhythm is purely dance and release, while Dance into Your Lust brings in deeper aspects of pleasure and emotional healing through movement.

“Life is Rhythm - African roots” with Celso Paco & Li Tadaa

Life is Rhythm was founded by Li Tadaa Celso Paco in 2015. Its purpose is to bring people o a dancing journey to the drum where we move as a community. No matter where you are from, who you are, you are included. Iit all starts with letting go of stress, relaxing and, feeling joy. All Li’s dance classes go beyond moves and choreographies to find our inner dancer that connects to oneself, expresses its emotions, and move to the rhythm of the drum in community.


I crave meeting people in deep presence and love and no tool I know of has managed to offer me this so efficiently as playing with power. In life, we are in constant power dynamics with people consciously or unconsciously. My way of teaching kink is to bring people to these deep meetings and learn from them as empowerment tools for life. I teach kink through my group programs, at festivals and, in private sessions.

“Move into Kink” with Li Tadaa

This is a short talk on Li 's relationship to conscious BDSM, movement, and trauma awareness.