What is lust coaching and how does it work?

The Reality Check Program for Womxn and Fluid People!

Your body has the answers! All the wisdom you are looking for comes as we start to listen to the body, as we unlock what we have unconsciously blocked away. This is your way to becoming your best self-healer. 

Our bodies speak through sensations, it tells us what it needs, it tells us what it is longing for, it tells us when it is feeling pain, and when something needs to change. As we learn to listen to the body we can get in contact with our intuition, and create alignment between the inside world and the outside world through mind, body, and spirit.

Are you ready to take the red pill?

To see the world and yourself for what it is? To have someone by your side who is not afraid, but is willing to show you the way through the dark roads while allowing pleasure to be the driving resource of the journey?

The Reality Check program is for

  • Facilitators, therapists, and aspiring workshop leaders. For you who want to see how you are standing in your own way to show up to your full potential. For you who want to hold safer spaces and workshops from your authentic self and become an outstanding facilitator.

  • Deep divers. For you who see personal development as your only true path, who has swum through the waters of therapies and is ready to do the work, to access your needs and stand in your mature adult self.

Who is a fluid person? 

In my world, gender is a possibility that you can explore. Yin and yang move beyond gender, we are beings who can allow these energies to flow within us. Healers in so many traditions are seen as beyond the binary. They can be everything. So when I say I work with fluid people I mean that you should be signing up for expanding yourself outside the gender and sexuality norms of society.

I’m your guide!

When I coach you, I am your therapist, your friend, and your guide. I shine the light on where you need to go, but you are the one doing the work. I am here to support you to find your connection with yourself, I am here to invite you to listen to your body.

The goal is not for you to need me, but to learn the tools to feel what needs are there to be felt and to learn how you take care of them.

We practice staying in the present moment and from that place be able to make the choices in life that we want.

When we befriended our unmet needs, we also get to know our darkness. As we release, we can access pleasure in all aspects of our lives; with ourselves and others, in our intimate relationships but most of all; with life itself. 

Your dreams are a mirror of your potential. Let me show you the way.


“My life and I lightened up and I am empowered as a woman and a human being.”

“I really loved how Lisa’s sessions are so lively, we did have talks, when necessary, but we also moved a lot, went into movement meditations and resolved and explored parts, problems and patterns of mine not analytically but “practically”, that is to say embodied. With her approach I can deal with my traumas much better and more integrated – they are not a stain anymore, which I need to avoid, they are part now of my embodied history..”


I will get you there, this says more about the process than what we will do.

We always work through the body. I adjust in each session to what is right at the moment. I feel you through me. 

I combine different tools that I have researched and studied over the years: Trauma therapy (NARM & SE), dance therapy and movement, guided meditation, and reflection, focusing, Tantra, motivational interviewing, tantric bodywork, and Southern & Eastern African dance traditions and rituals and ancestral work.

Additional info for therapists and Facilitators

We will focus on what happens in you emotionally when you are holding space for others. You will receive support and techniques to be able to hold a higher capacity for other people’s emotions and how to let go of them after a session. You will be challenged in your authenticity and coached to stand in your power and take others wherever you want.


First, you book a free consultation on zoom, from there we will find out what you are truly longing for and feel whether working together would be a match. I will work with you for a minimum of 3 months.