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Lustful Celebration

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Music has always been a tool for expression of emotions, community and healing for our ancestors and continues to be so. Many of us know this but to reach that deep transformational dance is not always easy, but this evening we will definitely increase your chances to get there.

Through the movement practice โ€Life is Rhythmโ€, Li Tadaa and Celso Paco will share different individual and communal tools to support each other to use movement for liberation. This is followed by the DJ tunes of Jape specifically crafted to help us reach places in ourselves that are otherwise difficult to access. Electronic music with live sounds and percussions to tickle your soul.

Freedom means accepting all that we are and we want to take you there. To dance from our roots, dig deep in the mud, into our shadows and primal selves to see that there can be pleasure and joy also right here.


18h - Arrival
18.30 - Life is Rhythm with Li and Celso Paco
19.30 - 21.45 Into the Mud Ecstatic Dance by DJ Jape


Limited spots are available!
Tickets are for 390 sek per person, and 250 sek for low income. Send me a message if you want to assist to avoid the fee.

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